Installation - Local environment
Environment of development
Name | Version | link |
Golang | >= 1.16 | |
GDAL | >= 3.3 | |
Python | >= 3.7 | |
PostgreSQL | >= 11 | |
PostGIS | >= 3.1 | |
Docker | NC | |
Clone repository
Build and run
For more information concerning build and run go application, see: Build and run Go Application
In the geocube repository, cmd/server
, run go build
command in order to generate executable file:
$ cd cmd/server && go build
It creates the executable server
. Some arguments are required in order to start the server.
$ ./server --help
Usage of ./server:
-aws-endpoint string
define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-region string
define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-shared-credentials-file string
define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-baSecretName string
name of the secret that stores the bearer authentication (admin & user) (gcp only)
-cancelledJobs string
storage where cancelled jobs are referenced. Must be reachable by the Consolidation Workers and the Geocube with read/write permissions
-consolidationsQueue string
name of the pgqueue or the pubsub topic to send the consolidation orders
-dbConnection string
database connection (ex: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube)
-dbHost string
database host (see dbName)
-dbName string
database name (to connect with User, Host & Password)
-dbPassword string
database password (see dbName)
-dbSecretName string
name of the secret that stores credentials to connect to the database (gcp only)
-dbUser string
database user (see dbName)
-eventsQueue string
name of the pgqueue or the pubsub topic to send the asynchronous job events
-gdalBlockSize string
gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
-gdalNumCachedBlocks int
gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
-ingestionStorage string
path to the storage where ingested and consolidated datasets will be stored. Must be reachable with read/write/delete permissions. (local/gs)
-maxConnectionAge int
grpc max age connection
-pgqConnection string
url of the postgres database to enable pgqueue messaging system (pgqueue only)
-port string
geocube port to use (default "8080")
-project string
project name (gcp only/not required in local usage)
enable TLS protocol (certificate and key must be /tls/tls.crt and /tls/tls.key)
configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
-workers int
number of parallel workers per catalog request (default 1)
Example (run):
$ ./server -ingestionStorage=/geocube-datasets -dbConnection=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs /tmp
{"severity":"info","timestamp":"2021-05-24T15:10:57.621+0200","message":"Geocube v0.3.0"}
In the geocube repository, cmd/consolidater
, run go build
command in order to generate executable file:
$ cd cmd/consolidater && go build
It creates the executable consolidater
. Some arguments are required in order to start a consolidation worker.
$ ./consolidater --help
Usage of ./consolidater:
-aws-endpoint string
define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-region string
define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-shared-credentials-file string
define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-cancelledJobs string
storage where cancelled jobs are referenced
-consolidationsQueue string
name of the messaging queue for consolidation jobs (pgqueue or pubsub subscription)
-eventsQueue string
name of the messaging queue for job events (pgquue or pubsub topic)
-gdalBlockSize string
gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
-gdalNumCachedBlocks int
gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
locally download the datasets before starting the consolidation (generally faster than letting GDAL to download them tile by tile) (default true)
-pgqConnection string
url of the postgres database to enable pgqueue messaging system (pgqueue only)
-psProject string
subscription project (gcp pubSub only)
-retryCount int
number of retries when consolidation job failed with a temporary error (default 1)
configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
-workdir string
scratch work directory
-workers int
number of workers for parallel tasks (default 1)
Example (run):
$ ./consolidater -workdir=/tmp -psProject geocube-emulator -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs /tmp
Downloader service is useful if the server runs in a distant environment, and the local environment has an efficient access to the storage.
In the geocube repository, cmd/downloader
, run go build
command in order to generate executable file:
$ cd cmd/downloader && go build
It creates the executable downloader
. Some arguments are required in order to start a downloader service.
Downloader available options:
$ ./downloader --help
Usage of ./downloader:
-aws-endpoint string
define aws_endpoint for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-region string
define aws_region for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-aws-shared-credentials-file string
define aws_shared_credentials_file for GDAL to use s3 storage (--with-s3)
-gdalBlockSize string
gdal blocksize value (default 1Mb) (default "1Mb")
-gdalNumCachedBlocks int
gdal blockcache value (default 500) (default 500)
enable storage debug to use custom gdal storage strategy
-maxConnectionAge int
grpc max age connection
-port string
geocube downloader port to use (default "8080")
enable TLS protocol
configure GDAL to use gcs storage (may need authentication)
configure GDAL to use s3 storage (may need authentication)
-workers int
number of parallel workers per catalog request (default 1)
Basic example:
./downloader -port 8081 -workers 4
Example with GCS support:
./downloader -port 8081 -with-gcs -workers 4 -gdalBlockSize 2Mb
Storage Debug (GCP only):
It's possible to monitor storage metrics with --gdalStorageDebug
You will retrieve storage metrics into logs as:
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/2/-89/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/4/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/5/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/4/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 3 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/5/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-89/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/2/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 3145728 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/6/-90/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/6/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 2 calls - 2097152 octets"}
{"severity":"debug","timestamp":"2022-01-14T11:29:15.618+0100","message":"GCS Metrics: gs://myBucket/32523_20m/3/-91/myLayout/myFile.tif - 3 calls - 3145728 octets"}
Autoscaling is not available in a local environment. See K8S - Autoscaler for more information.
Messaging Broker
To use this messaging broker, create the pgq_jobs
table in your postgres database using the following script interface/messaging/pgqueue/create_table.sql
$ psql -h <database_host> -d <database_name> -f interface/messaging/pgqueue/create_table.sql
Then, start the apiserver and the consolidater with the corresponding arguments:
- --pgqConnection
: connection uri to the postgres database (e.g. postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube
- --consolidationQueue consolidations
- --eventsQueue events
And the Autoscaler, with:
- --pgq-connection
: connection uri to the postgres database (e.g. postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube
- --queue consolidations
Pub/Sub (Emulator)
For more information, see:
You can launch a local emulator with this command:
$ gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=geocube-emulator
Executing: /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/platform/pubsub-emulator/bin/cloud-pubsub-emulator --host=localhost --port=8085
[pubsub] This is the Google Pub/Sub fake.
[pubsub] Implementation may be incomplete or differ from the real system.
[pubsub] Jun 30, 2021 3:04:05 PM main
[pubsub] INFO: IAM integration is disabled. IAM policy methods and ACL checks are not supported
[pubsub] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
[pubsub] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
[pubsub] SLF4J: See for further details.
[pubsub] Jun 30, 2021 3:04:06 PM main
[pubsub] INFO: Server started, listening on 8085
Topics and subscription which are necessary for the proper functioning of the geocube, can be created by running the following script (replace $GEOCUBE_SERVER
by the appropriate value):
$ go run tools/pubsub_emulator/main.go --project-id geocube-emulator --geocube-server https://$GEOCUBE_SERVER
2021/06/30 14:56:48 New client for project-id geocube-emulator
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : consolidations
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : consolidations-worker
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Topic : events
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : consolidations
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : consolidations-worker
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Create Subscription : events pushing to https://$GEOCUBE_SERVER/push
2021/06/30 14:56:48 Done!
In order to run geocube with the PubSub emulator, you must define the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST
environment variable (by default localhost:8085
) before starting services.