Installation - Docker

Clone repository

Clone repository.

All dockerfile are available in the docker folder.


The Dockerfiles of the other services depend on a base-image:

$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.base-image -t geocube-base-image .
Successfully built 62eb9e6d2c0e

Server, Consolidater and Downloader

Then, the BASE_IMAGE must be passed as a parameter in order to build server, consolidater or downloader dockerfile:

$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.server -t geocube . --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=geocube-base-image
$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.consolidater -t geocube-consolidater . --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=geocube-base-image
$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.downloader -t geocube-downloader . --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=geocube-base-image

You can run “docker run” command in order to start the application.

Run server - examples:

export STORAGE=/geocube-datasets
docker run --rm --network=host -e PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085 -v $STORAGE:$STORAGE geocube -project geocube-emulator -ingestionStorage=$STORAGE -dbConnection=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/geocube -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs $STORAGE/cancelled-jobs
export STORAGE=/geocube-datasets
docker run --rm --network=host -e PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085 -v $STORAGE:$STORAGE geocube-consolidater /consolidater -psProject geocube-emulator -workdir=/tmp -eventsQueue events -consolidationsQueue consolidations -cancelledJobs $STORAGE/cancelled-jobs

With GCS support (authentication with application_default_credentials.json):

export STORAGE=/geocube-datasets
docker run --rm -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud geocube -with-gcs [...]

For more information concerning running option, see:

Run downloader - examples:

Basic example:

docker run --rm -p geocube-downloader -port 8081 -workers 4

Example with GCS support:


docker run --rm -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/account/geocube_server.json -p --mount type=bind,src=~/Documents/account/geocube,dst=/account 65cddc550e9a geocube-downloader -port 8081 -with-gcs -workers 4 -gdalBlockSize 2Mb

With application_default_credentials.json:

docker run --rm -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud -p geocube-downloader -port 8081 -with-gcs -workers 4 -gdalBlockSize 2Mb

Additionnal information here

Messaging Broker

cf Local environment - Messaging Broker


A docker-compose file is provided as example. It's a minimal example, so feel free to edit it to take advantage of the full power of the Geocube.

  • Copy the ./docker/.env.example to ./docker/.env
  • Edit ./docker/.env to set the STORAGE_URI (it will be mount as a volume to access and store images).
  • Build the base image
  • cd docker and docker-compose up